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Taekwondo - 222701

Thisprogram follows thecurriculum established bythe ATFI, one ofthe National
governing bodiesfor theInternational Taekwon-Do Federationinthe United States.
Students will learnand practicecorrect terminology, stances, blocking, striking,kicking,
patterns, stepsparring,freesparring, self-defense, and breakingtechniquesforeach
level or rank obtained. Students willnot only develop discipline, respect, self-control,
courtesy, integrity, and indomitablespirit, but also developphysical and mental
coordination,excellentconditioning, and toughness to deal withavariety ofsituations,
all whiletrainingina safeenvironment.
1 Sections
Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Cost Column #8
Taekwondo Ages 7-18 01/06/2025 -02/19/2025* 6:30 pm - 7:25 pm M, W Community Center 7-18.99 $144.00/$204.00